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Meet: Emma Pumfrey

Naturopath (BHSc), Nutritionist (GradCert)

Emma Pumfrey is a Naturopath & Nutritionist who is passionate about the combination of herbal medicine and nutrition. Offering her clients comprehensive testing, customised treatment plans and proven supplements for long-term results. She holds a particular interest in the PCOS, Fertility and Hormonal Health space.

Using an evidence based, nutrition-centered approach Emma get's her clients feeling their best and feeling empowered on their health journey. Working to address
 the underlying cause of illness/dysfunction and supporting the body’s innate ability to restore health. 


Her passion for nutrition alongside clinical practice has led to her launch and run the supplement company UHEALTH CO, while also working as a clinical supervisor supporting nutrition students in their final months of their degree.


Naturopath | Herbalist | Nutritionist

PCOS - Fertility - Hormones - Stress - Children's Health

Meet Amelia

Areas Emma Works With:

“Emma is nothing short of amazing and I will be recommending Emma to everyone! As a Mum it was so refreshing to be able to voice my concerns with my daughter’s health and to feel heard with a clear plan on where to next in our daughters plan!.”

C.O - 5 Star Google Review

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