Naturopath &Nutritionist
A women's hormone, skin & fertility specialising Naturopath and Nutritionist. 7 years in clinical practice working with over 1000 clients to get them the long-lasting results they wanted and needed.
Emma Pumfrey
Naturopath & Nutritionist passionate about the combination of herbal medicine and nutrition. Offering her clients comprehensive testing, customised treatment plans and proven supplements for long-term results.
Using an evidence based, nutrition centred approach Emma gets her clients feeling their best and feeling empowered on their health journey.
Her passion for nutrition alongside clinical practice has led to her launch and run the supplement company UHEALTH CO, while also working as a clinical supervisor supporting nutrition students in their final months of their degree.
Services & Cost
Conditions I work with
Painful Periods
Heavy Periods
Hormone Balancing Brisbane
Irregular Cycle
Low Libido
Thyroid Health
Vaginal Microbiome Testing
Postpartum Support
Infant Health
Postnatal Depression/Anxiety
Post-Pill Acne
Topical Steroid Withdrawal
Preconception Care
IVF Support
Male Fertility/Sperm Health
Female Fertility/Egg Quality
Care per Trimester
I offer comprehensive functional testing within my consultations. This can range from Gut Microbiome testing such as the GI360, Hormone testing, Neurotransmitter testing, Stool testing and Blood tests.
Further to this I offer DNA Testing and Methylation Testing which gives information on understanding how genetics influence your health, longevity, and predisposing factors.
*Note that a consultation is required to order and to review test results. Testing is not rebatable and has an out of pocket cost.